Table of Contents




Required Packages

To build, it may be necessary to install additional software:

apt-get install autoconf automake pkg-config libtool
apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
apt-get install libpcre3-dev

urmp will not build on an Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon), or earlier, system.

mplayer is required to actually play music.

Building the Database

./urmp --ignore --build /audio/mp3

where /audio/mp3 is a directory tree containing .mp3 files. Files of other types will be ignored. Files will be opened read-only by a number of concurrent processes. Status will be reported as the build progresses. At this time, this process can only be run from the command line – there is no GUI verison. The database and other files are stored in ~/.urmp.

Running the GUI

./urmp -g


To debug the build, run with

./urmp --ignore --build /audio/mp3 --procs 1 -t worker

To analyze an mp3 file:

./urmp --parse <filename>

Audio Decompression and Licenses

Currently, urmp uses mplayer to play music, so mplayer must be installed. Therefore, urmp does not contain any mp3 decompression technology – all it does it read mp3 and id3 headers. Because of this limitation, urmp can be distributed under an MIT license. If urmp is ever linked against a library such as libmad, then it would fall under the mroe restrictive GPL. In any case, the data structures and library code in the Ur library would remain under an MIT license.